1:35 Red Carpet moment: Jackie, what are you wearing today?
5:13 I caused such a stir I thought I was going to be called to the principal’s office all day.
6:42 When did you know you were different?
7:54 At recess the boys would chase the girls. I wanted to be chased by the boys too.
9:18 Jackie’s college years and finally seeing people she related to.
13:20 If Jackie chose her name, what would it have been?
15:48 My transition was not an overnight creation.
18:26 Did it really bother you to be picked last for dodgeball?
19:15 Wait a second. You work for Sinclair broadcasting?
21:52 Who were your role models?
22:33 I sent her a letter and she bought some of my jokes.
24:59 Chanel and martini glasses
25:35 Who does Jackie feel represents the trans community well?
28:53 This guy “Jeff”…tell us more!!
Instagram: @jackievanderworth
Statistics on Transgender individuals, according to the 2015 US Transgender Study
- 24% of out transgender people in school were physically attacked and 13% were sexually assaulted. 17% received such mistreatment that they left school as a result
- 30% of out transgender people in the workplace reported being fired or denied a promotion
- 47% of out transgender people have reported being sexually assaulted during their life.
- 29% of transgender people live in poverty compared to 12% of the US population. When broken down by race the results are disturbing: 43% of Latino trans, 41% Native American, 40% of multi-racial, 38% black trans people live in poverty.
- The unemployment rate of trans people of color is 20%, 4 times the national number of 5%.
- Trans people with disabilities also faced higher rates of economic instability and mistreatment. Nearly one-quarter (24%) were unemployed (including 35% of middle eastern trans people, and 20-23% among Black, Native American, Latino, and multi-racial trans people), and 45% were living in poverty. Transgender people with disabilities were more likely to be currently experiencing serious psychological distress (59%) and more likely to have attempted suicide in their lifetime (54%).
- They also reported higher rates of mistreatment by health care providers (42%).
- 1.4% of trans people are living with HIV (the general population is 0.3%), black trans people are at 6.7%, and black trans women are at 19%.
- 30% of transgender people have been homeless at some point during their life, including 12% in the past year.
- More than one-quarter (26%) of those who experienced homelessness in the past year avoided staying in a shelter because they feared being mistreated as a transgender person. Those who did stay in a shelter reported high levels of mistreatment: seven out of ten (70%) respondents who stayed in a shelter in the past year reported some form of mistreatment, including being harassed, sexually or physically assaulted, or kicked out because of being transgender.
- 39% of transgender people experience current psychological distress.
- 40% of transgender people have attempted suicide, compared to 4.6% of people in the general population
- Seven percent (7%) attempted suicide in the past year—nearly twelve times the rate in the U.S. population (0.6%).
- 33% of transgender people have reported mistreatment when seeking health care.
- 23% of trans people avoid seeking healthcare for the fear of mistreatment.
- Only 11% of respondents reported that all of their IDs had the name and gender they preferred, while more than two-thirds (68%) reported that none of their IDs had the name and gender they preferred.
- Nearly one-third (32%) of respondents who have shown an ID with a name or gender that did not match their gender presentation were verbally harassed, denied benefits or service, asked to leave, or assaulted.
- In the past year, of respondents who interacted with police or law enforcement officers who thought or knew they were transgender, more than half (58%) experienced some form of mistreatment. This included being verbally harassed, repeatedly referred to as the wrong gender, physically assaulted, or sexually assaulted, including being forced by officers to engage in sexual activity to avoid arrest.
- Police frequently assumed that respondents—particularly transgender women of color— were sex workers. In the past year, of those who interacted with law enforcement officers who thought or knew they were transgender, one-third (33%) of Black transgender women and 30% of multiracial women said that an officer assumed they were sex workers.
- More than half (57%) of respondents said they would feel uncomfortable asking the police for help if they needed it.